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    All the content of this wordpress is copyright of Rim Repter, Boys Rule486, and Kurby Kudly8 and New Horizon Interactive know as "Club Penguin" anyone caught stealing anything from this site, will be strictly punished. Please dont copy anything from this site, if you do we will give you a warning, then if you do it again you will get punished.

New Club Penguin Spanish Servers & New Penguins!

Hey… its Boys Rule486 aka Rix Rocker here!

Me and Kurby Kudly8 made a new penguin, just like Mixturey did, his is Rim Repter and they all rhyme with”Rim” and we are using these penguins mostly, and we all have these penguins because our old ones have 1 more ban until they get banned forever. They are all new, me (Boys Rule486) don’t have membership and we might get membership soon. Mixturey aka Rim Repter has membership for I don’t know how long, but all the penguins are still new and the names have just got approved.

My (Boys Rule486) new penguin is Rix Rocker and here is a picture of his penguin:

Rix Rocker

Kurby Kudly8’s new penguin Rio Phantom and here is a picture of him:

Rio Phantom

Mixturey/Lil Mixturey’s new penguin is Rim Repter and here is a picture of him:

Rim Repter

Those are the penguins!

Also, here are the new Spanish servers that came out today early in the morning, you can click here to go do them or do the following orders. Here is how to go to them:

1. Go on Club Penguin

2. Click the “Select Language” button on the top right corner of your screen.

3. After you click “Select Language”, it should come down saying a lot of languages, but click the last one that says “Espanol” with an accent on the top of the N. It should take you to the Spanish servers.

24-05-2009 8-01-30 AM

Here are the servers:

spanish servers

Do you like our new penguins? Do you like the new Spanish servers? Comment here saying if you like, or if you don’t like the new stuff I just said and posted.

Don’t forget the party coming this Monday!

Where? White House, Dock

When? May 25, 2009 (Monday)

Time? 6:00 Pm EST

3:00 Pm PST

Rim Repter is Mixturey, Rix Rocker is Boys Rule486 and Kurby Kudly8 is Rio Phantom. We are not going on our old penguins. We are going on our new ones.


~Boys Rule486 aka Rix Rocker

New Penguin and Club Penguin Banner!

Hello Everyone!

If You Have recently been banned and you where doing the “Moonwalking” hack the other day that’s why. Everyone who did that (Most likley got banned) and yes I was one of them I now use a new penguin Called “Rim Repter” I’ll be using him from now on. Boys Rule486 was also banned because of this. Please Be careful I just wanted to make sure you guys watch out so you don’t get banned.

Don’t Forget I will be using Rim Repter FROM now on for Club Penguin. So If You See Me I’ll add you.

Heres a Photo of Him:

My New E-mail is also Rimrepter@gmail.com

*And Yes I’ll be back to posting more, Starting Thursday*

Thanks Everyone!

– Mixturey (Yes I Finally made a post) Lol Sorry Guys.

Update (Made by Boys Rule486): Hey guys, Club Penguin has made a new banner!

Club Penguin Banner


~Boys Rule486

Rockhopper is Almost Here!

Hey guys, Kurby kudly8 here.

I was on Club Penguin and I looked through the telescope to see when Rockhopper was coming and he is so close to Club Penguin.


Also the Medieval Party went away today. Rockhopper looks like he is carrying trees on the ship. Why do you think he is bringing them? Let me know!

~Kurby kudly8

Free Penguin Contest

Contest Over

Hey guys, Kurby Kudly8 here!

This is how the contest works. You must find out what is missing in the picture below.

Hint: It is near my penguin!


Whoever guesses what is wrong in the picture above will win this penguin:

Winning Penguin

Comment on this post telling me what is wrong with the picture.

Good Luck!

~Kurby Kudly8

Club Penguin Book Update!

Hey… its Boys Rule486 here!

Are you a current (or maybe future) member of the Penguin Secret Agency and want to know more about spy missions, gear, and gadgets? Do you love telling jokes? Have you ever wondered what it would be like to invent stuff in Club Penguin with Gary? Are you up on all the secrets on the island? For those of you, and for the whole Club Penguin community, we’ve got exciting news about some new books!

Secret Agent Handbook, Waddle Lot of Laughs, The Inventor’s Apprentice, The Ultimate Official Guide to Club Penguin, Igloo Makeover, Stowaway!, and Stuck on Puffles are now all available at book stores. And just like with a lot of the Club Penguin toys, some of the books will give you a special code and you’ll be able to unlock items online!
blog_books.jpgWe can’t wait to hear what you think of them. And, as always, we’d love to know all the kinds of Club Penguin books you’d like to see!

~Boys Rule486