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Club Penguin Reviewed By You!

*The New Nespaper is below this post, this was posted on the Club Penguin Blog*

It’s almost here! The Music Jam kicks off tomorrow and there were lots of cool answers to last week’s question about how you guys are getting ready for it. Here’s one we liked from Otter’s Rule:

Me and my friends are all getting ready for the Music Jam Party already. We’ve got all of our instruments gathered up and have already started practicing! We have these rockin’ cool outfits too. I think this Music Jam will be the biggest party on Club Penguin yet! We’ve also planned to meet the Penguin Band backstage. We can hardly wait for this rockin’ cool party! Waddle On!

Thanks – Sounds like you’re ready for the party!

The team’s getting pretty excited around here because next Friday, July 24, you’ll be able to go to a voting booth in the Forest and choose a BRAND NEW penguin color!! Here they are:
So – this week, we want to know which color you’re thinking you might vote for… Do you like the Lavender, Maroon, or Aqua? And why?

New Newspaper!

Hey, Rio Phantom here!

First off we have the Music Jam Party tomorrow! The Penguin Band and Cadence are going to be backstage at the Dock! I will have some trackers up.



Here is a map of Club Penguin during the Party!


Next, Club Penguin is having a vote on what colour the new Penguin Colour should be!

New Colour

Finally the events!


Happy77 Talks About the Music Jam Party 2009!

Rix Rocker here!

The Music Jam Party starts this Friday and there are some amazing band rehearsals happening all over the island. It’s so cool to see you guys getting ready. I saw the pic of the Lighthouse from Billybob’s Monday post – pretty impressive. It made me so excited to actually see the party and I wanted to talk to someone on the team who worked on the decorations:


Q: I know there are a lot of different music stages for this party. Which one was the most fun to work on?
A: All the stages were great to work on, but if I had to pick a favorite I’d say the big stage at the dock. It changes themes throughout the party.

Q: How did you come up with all the different decorations?
A: The focus was kept on two things, music stages and things that make noise. So there are different stages, but also some cool noise-making surprises!

Q: I heard rumors about a chocolate fountain in one of the backstage areas. Is that true?
A: Wait! There’s a chocolate fountain Backstage!?!? Golly, look at the time, I better. . . umm. . . get back to work. . . at the Backstage. . .

Party starts Friday! Have fun and let us know what you think of how the island looks!

~Rix Rocker

Updating Pin Tracker & Rockhopper Tracker!

Hey, Rio Phantom here!

Now whenever a new Pin is out this tracker will automaticly update with anyone who has it.

Here is the Pin tracker and it’s code!

Pin Tracker Code: 

<a href=”https://kurbykudly8.wordpress.com/”><img src=”http://promise121.info/kurbykudly8/widget/Pin-Tracker.png”></a&gt;

Rockhopper Tracker and it’s code!

Rockhopper Tracker Code:

<a href=”https://kurbykudly8.wordpress.com/”><img src=”http://promise121.info/kurbykudly8/widget/Rockhopper-Tracker.gif”></a&gt;

Enjoy 😀

New Club Penguin Music Jam Party 2009 Sneak Peek!

Rix Rocker here!

There’s a lot of creativity happening on the island right now! Music Jam starts this Friday and we’ve seen some pretty awesome band rehearsals taking place.


In Other News: Some of you might remember the Penguin Tales writing contest from last year. Starting July 23 – August 5 we’re going to be looking for new submissions! This year is exciting because it’s the first time that French, Spanish, Portuguese and English can all submit in their own languages. Everybody can start sharpening their pencils and thinking about some of the activities and adventures you’ve been having during the 101 Days of Fun… I’ll have more details soon.

~Rix Rocker (Sorry for not posting for a long time. I had a broken internet. 😦 But at least my internet works, now! 🙂 )